James and Demeter

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Our opinion

This is a very beautiful brand of shoes, with a superb selection of leathers, high-end finishes and very robust assembly.

It's a sure value in the tricolor shoe market that you can turn to with your eyes closed.

If the models are a little expensive in absolute terms, you also pay for 100% made in France, which ultimately makes the price consistent.

The history of the brand James and Demeter

Propelled to the forefront following a successful crowdfunding campaign, Jacques&Déméter is a shoe brand whose challenge is as simple as it is noble: to design and manufacture quality shoes, 100% French.

Behind this concept? Maxime Van Rothem, passionate about craftsmanship and know-how.

His philosophy? “Elegance and quality at the service of the customer and with respect for artisanal know-how”.

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