Father & Sons

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Our opinion
The brand has the advantage of mainly offering natural materials (wool, cotton, linen, etc.) and avoids the pitfall of putting synthetics everywhere. In terms of style, the ready-to-wear range is generally sober and well-designed. We find it a bit of a shame that the lapels of the suits are so thin , although cut from perfectly good wool. Here is what we would recommend to you less in the collection: - Clothes that are too “fancy” like floral printed shirts are difficult to wear - Black suits. Choose a blue or gray suit - Black shirts. Choose a white or blue shirt. - Everything related to leather (jacket, shoes, belts, etc.) because of insufficient quality. Conclusion: generally correct, apart from the few points of vigilance above. Interesting if you want to buy in a physical store, because the brand is well distributed.
The history of the brand Father & Sons

French men's ready-to-wear brand created in 1995 by the Mliczak family in Paris, it first became known with shirts and suits.

It was in 2005 that the brand integrated a “casual” range into its offering, to now offer a complete elegant and casual wardrobe for men.

Father & Sons has 47 stores evenly distributed across France. The brand has notably established itself in medium-sized cities where the clothing offering is rather limited, giving it a certain visibility.

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