Agnès b.

Our opinion

The quality/price ratio is not interesting if you are looking for jeans, a simple white shirt or a first suit.

However, among the brands claiming a “creator” touch, it is one of the most accessible.

Agnès B. clothes can add an interesting element to an outfit.

In particular, one of the many variations of the snap cardigan can be easily worn with jeans and a pretty t-shirt.

Generally speaking, Agnès b. age very well, thanks to a choice of material favoring robustness.

The general construction is simple but solid. Some products are made in France.

The history of the brand Agnès b.

Agnès B. is a French brand, founded in 1975 by the woman who still runs it 40 years later: Agnès Troublé (the b. is for Christian Bourgeois, her ex-husband).

The brand distributes its parts in France, Great Britain, the United States and East Asia where it is particularly well established.

The brand has kept a somewhat particular style since its creation . The clothes are generally a little larger than average, the fabrics are a little more rustic and the whole thing sometimes gives off an atmosphere worthy of 1920s London. There is something quite bohemian in the brand's style.

The centerpiece of each collection is the famous snap cardigan, available in various colors and cuts.

Each season, the brand also offers a selection of printed t-shirts inspired by contemporary artists.

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