Abercrombie & Fitch

Sunspel Reading Abercrombie & Fitch Next Private Workshop
Our opinion

Abercrombie is a brand that lives thanks to a very particular brand image, based on a hypersexualized universe and boutiques - nightclubs that smell strongly of deodorant. The omnipresence of advertising and marketing around this imagination therefore necessarily has repercussions on the quality of the pieces offered...

The materials and cuts are really not interesting, it's low-end. Likewise, pricing betrays items that are overmarketed and sold far too expensive for what they are.

Furthermore, the brand seems to be searching between its "American vintage" origins and its recent sportswear ambitions, which results in a rather inconsistent wardrobe.

The history of the brand Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie&Fitch is an American brand created in Manhattan in 1892 by David Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch .

Originally, the first store only sold hiking and hunting equipment. After relatively prosperous decades, the company declared bankruptcy and closed its doors for good in 1976.

In 1992, Mike Jeffries took over the channel and aimed to give it a second life. It completely moves away from the original spirit of this brand and offers sportswear clothing inspired by the elite universities of the northern United States (the famous Ivy League).

The brand makes itself known thanks to sulphurous communication mixing sexualized imagination and impertinence .

Moreover, it is regularly singled out because of these questionable processes: discrimination in hiring, early sexualization... The brand generally gives a bad image due to these recurring controversies.

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