Which PARKA do you need? – (Very) Well Dressed #13

Quelle PARKA vous faut-il ? – (Très) Bien Habillé #13


Brut Clothing

In my opinion, this is often the type of parka that has the coolest designs ? Part de subjectivité assumée, pour le coup. .

On the other hand, you shouldn't expect the moon in terms of performance, and when you want very high quality on top of that, it adds up pretty quickly.


It's a bit like the "everyday parka" style, which seeks to "blend in" with contemporary designs rather than seeking a retro or military nod.

bonnegueule kuro snow beige navy blue men's parka

© GoodGueule

The BonneGueule Snow parka in collaboration with Kuro

It's probably the easiest to wear, and it's also in this style that we often find the little "extras" that please: a beautiful wool material, a cotton that takes the light well, refined pockets for a "clean" look... We're moving away from the world of hiking, and we can easily imagine the parka slipping into elegant and sober wardrobes.

However, when you seek both purity and consensus, you also run the risk of being less fun in design.

And the brands that promote this style of parka are rarely specialized in technique.


And finally, we come to the last type, which is obviously that of parkas which favor technology.

APC men's parko khaki pants sneakers white


The advantage is obvious: it's the kind of piece that turns you into a kind of weather-impervious superhero.

The downside? All these "features" make the price seem obvious.

So, either it costs an arm and a leg ? Voire deux, sérieusement. , and then you sometimes get "the whole lot": extreme quality, style, practicality and technicality.

Either it is affordable (and even more so than other parka styles) but in which case, the garment is more of an "outdoor tool" than a fashion garment...

And the style and appearance of the materials are affected.

PS: In this video I am wearing:

  • A merino-yak-alpaca sweater in a "shaggy dog" style BonneGueule
  • A BonneGueule checked overshirt
Nicolò Minchillo, in expert mode

My name is Nicolò. I am a Copywriter and have been at BonneGueule since 2015. I obviously write articles and create videos on our YouTube channel, such as "Sapristi" or "Sape m'en Cinq". All this with a certain love for debate, which I will never lose. Alongside that, I lend a hand to the product department so that we can develop inspired clothing in great materials.

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