Our selection of brands for boxers and briefs

No matter which side you’re on, it’s in your best interest to find the best underwear for your budget. And we’re here to help.

Entry level

< 15€

Underwear with ok material and making. Expect manufacturing in Asia. In short, models that do the job, for a reasonable budget.

  • Monoprix
  • Uniqlo


15€ - 40€

A good budget for underwear of good quality of material and manufacturing. There is mostly European manufacturing at this price.

  • Asket
  • Asphalt
  • Hanro
  • The French Brief
  • Petronius
  • Ron Dorff
  • Seagale
  • Sunspel


> 50€

Well made, cool materials: top quality cotton, wool or even silk.

  • Derek Rose
  • Zimmerli

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