Snow Peak

Our opinion
In this review, we are mainly interested in clothing. Even if it is clear, without being an expert, that the brand's outdoor equipment is manufactured with extraordinary care. It must first be said that clothing is not only made for outdoor activities. Many of them can be worn every day. As long as you like the Japanese approach to clothing aesthetics, that is to say the scale and exceptional materials. “Exceptional material” is not used lightly as we find at Snow Peak what we cannot find elsewhere: cotton/wool ripstock, downy cotton/yak wool, cotton/bamboo... Then, all the products are full of ingenious details, scattered everywhere, starting with the pockets. Such attention to detail, to what makes a garment practical, while not sacrificing aesthetics drives up prices. It's normal. And we'll go so far as to say that the products are well worth the price. We can't wait for Snow Peak clothing to be more accessible to us French people. It should also be noted that the brand has a very close-knit community. She organizes large gatherings of customers who are real fans around outdoor activities. The brand's values ​​are transmitted through this community: humanity, proximity to nature, well-being.
The history of the brand Snow Peak

Snow Peak is a brand of outdoor equipment and clothing for women and men.

Founder : Yukio Yamai in 1958 in Niigata Prefecture

Launch of the Snow Peak Apparel clothing line : 2014 under the direction of Lisa Yamai, granddaughter of the founder.

Distribution : stores in Japan, United States and London. Otherwise, online at

Philosophy : Snow Peak creates gear and clothing that stands the test of time, prioritizing minimalist and elegant design details so as not to distract from the beauty of nature.

A little history of the brand : The name comes from Mount Tanigawa that the founder used to explore. He was dissatisfied with his equipment and also with the scarce supply of this particular type of equipment. This pushed him to create his own brand. A happy coincidence, or rather an element in favor of the creation of his brand, his hometown, Tsubame Sanjo, had many qualified metallurgists.

Yukio's son, Tohru Yamai took over the company and distributed the brand in the United States in 1999. He took care to shape a brand image to inspire people in their relationship with nature, so that they live in harmony with her.

In 2014, Lisa Yamai, Yukio's granddaughter, launched Snow Peak Apparel. This development helped establish the brand's notoriety in the fashion world.

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