Atelier de l'Armée offers a wide selection of bags inspired by the military and vintage world: backpacks, but also handbags or tote bags.
At the same time, it distributes other accessories such as coin purses or more recently hats.
The brand is definitely high-end: handmade leather details, natural tanning, raw materials, nothing is missing... which is sometimes reflected in the prices.
In the same way as Filson or Bleu de Chauffe bags, Atelier de l'Armée products are luxurious and of very good overall quality.
Note: despite the quality of the brand's products, we have received some mixed feedback regarding the customer experience (delivery times and tracking).
Created in 2011 by Elza Wandler and Joost Doeswijk, Atelier de l'Armée is a brand that has quickly established itself as a must-have in workwear leather goods .
The young designer couple initially sought to offer a range of functional, timeless and durable accessories for men . It is from this ambitious project that “ADL” was born, a label with very clear influences.
Success very quickly arrived: the brand's products are perfectly suited to many worlds: Nordic minimalism , but also Japanese workwear or American vintage . These fit easily into a rapidly expanding offering in the early 2010s.
Distributed in the most prestigious boutiques, the Danish label is renowned for its ability to rehabilitate forgotten products such as bags or bags . Today, the brand continues to develop its offering while striving to maintain excellent manufacturing quality.